Pasta Salad Recipe

Pasta Salad Recipe

Pasta Salad Recipe - A barbecue is complete with this classic,creamy fusilli pasta salad with mayonnaise dressing and blue cheese salad dressing and some add-ons like diced cheddar cheese, smoked chicken viennas, cherry tomatoes etc. This homemade Pasta Salad Recipe is perfect for any occasion.
I wanted my pasta salad with mayo to have a lot of twist, yet each ingredient to be in minimal in order not to take away the taste of every add-ons.

A barbecue is complete with this classic,creamy fusilli pasta salad with mayonnaise dressing and blue cheese salad dressing and some add-ons like diced cheddar cheese, smoked chicken viennas, cherry tomatoes etc. This homemade Pasta Salad Recipe is perfect for any occasion.

I am a fan of potato salad Cheese Potato Salad  everytime I think about making a salad, the first thing that come into my mind are potatoes, we all love potato salads because of how creamy and delicious they are.. And in my opinion potato salads are not hard to make. But over the years I wanted to come up with a perfect non-potato salad, I went through some posts online and I discovered that you can actually make salads out of pasta like macaroni salad and fusilli salad, I first made pasta salad using macaroni and mayonnaise, I was very excited to have my first macaroni mayo salad but it was very dry and it tasted nothing like salad, it was a horrible mayo macaroni salad. The bad experience did not make me give up on pasta salad, I continued to experiment til I had this perfect mayo pasta salad with blue cheese salad dressing, the salad tastes as good as it looks.

This homemade pasta salad with mayo can be served cold or warm. It's delicious and made with a handful of vegetables.
It's a good accompaniment for smoked chicken, spatchcock chicken or baked salmon.

This mayo salad recipe is made in just under 20 minute. It's even more good when eaten on it's own. A perfect mayo salad with delicious salad dressing. fusilli pasta does an amazing job when it comes to holding the salad dressing in place. A substitute for fusilli pasta is macaroni. When chefs think about pasta salad, they think about mayo macaroni salad because macaroni salad is the most popular pasta salad.

This homemade pasta salad with mayo can be served cold or warm. It's delicious and made with a handful of vegetables. It's a good accompaniment for smoked chicken, spatchcock chicken or baked salmon.

Pasta Salad Recipe Ingredients

Pasta: The type of pasta you use for this recipe really matters because to some extents it defines how your pasta salads will taste like. 

I used fusilli. Macaroni,farfalle and rotini are also great options.

Vegetables: Chopped Chicken Viennas,bell peppers, cherry tomatoes and spring onion.

Cheese:Diced Cheddar Cheese

Dressing:I dressed the salad with a store bought salad dressing. It's totally okay to use store bought dressing. If you want you can make the dressing from scratch.I used Mayonnaise and blue cheese salad dressing.

pasta salad with blue cheese salad dressing

The salad is best served cold or at room temperature.

Pasta Salad Recipe |

how to make pasta salad | pasta salad dressing | pasta salad dressing no vinegar

How to make pasta salad

•Bring a large pot of water to boil. Add salt and a teaspoon of oil,then pasta.Boil until cooked but firm to the bite.When the pasta is ready drain using a colander,put the colander in the sink and open tap water. This will prevent the pasta from attaching. Close the tap and let your Pasta dry.

• Place the pasta in a salad bowl then add chopped chicken viennas, diced cheddar cheese, bell peppers,cherry tomatoes and spring onion.

• Top with a mixture of mayonnaise and blue cheese salad dressing.

How to make pasta salad |


• Salad Bowl

• Wood salad servers

• Chef’s knife

• Bamboo cutting board

• Scrape shovel

• Peelers

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A barbecue is complete with this classic,creamy fusilli pasta salad with mayonnaise dressing and blue cheese salad dressing and some add-ons like diced cheddar cheese, smoked chicken viennas, cherry tomatoes etc. This homemade Pasta Salad Recipe is perfect for any occasion. I wanted my pasta salad with mayo to have a lot of twist, yet each ingredient to be in minimal in order not to take away the taste of every add-ons.

A barbecue is complete with this classic,creamy fusilli pasta salad with mayonnaise dressing and blue cheese salad dressing and some add-ons like diced cheddar cheese, smoked chicken viennas, cherry tomatoes etc. This homemade Pasta Salad Recipe is perfect for any occasion. I wanted my pasta salad with mayo to have a lot of twist, yet each ingredient to be in minimal in order not to take away the taste of every add-ons.

Pasta Salad Recipe

Pasta Salad Recipe


  • 450g Fusilli Pasta
  • 1 Red bell pepper
  • 1 Cup Cherry Tomatoes, Halved
  • Diced Cheddar Cheese
  • 1 Tablespoon Salt
  • 1 Teaspoon Cooking Oil
  • ¾ Cup Light Mayonnaise
  • ¾ Cup Blue Cheese Salad Dressing


    1. Bring a large pot of water to boil. Add salt and a teaspoon of oil,then pasta.Boil until cooked but firm to the bite.When the pasta is ready drain using a colander,put the colander in the sink and open tap water. This will prevent the pasta from attaching. Close the tap and let your Pasta dry.
    2. Place the pasta in a salad bowl then add chopped chicken viennas, diced cheddar cheese, bell peppers,cherry tomatoes and spring onion.
    3. Top with a mixture of mayonnaise and blue cheese salad dressing.

        1. HOW TO STORE 
        This salad would keep in the fridge for up to 3 days.

        Equipments Used
        • Wood salad servers 
        • Chef’s knife 
        • Bamboo cutting board 
        • Scrape Shovel Peelers


I would love to hear from you. If you have made this recipe then please do leave a comment below. If you like this recipe then please do share the recipe with your friends and family on Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Did you make this recipe? Tag @cook.appetite or hashtag it #cookappetite!

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  1. pasta salad definitely sounds a great option to try out. I love how you have explained the same in a lucid manner and easy to follow instructions

  2. It looks delicious and I have never thought of something like that haha. I'm going to try it. Thank you for sharing!

  3. I love pasta and salad is love for me. Never tried them together but great recipe.

  4. I love how delicious this pasta looks, I make loads of pasta dishes during summer.

  5. This looks really yummy! You can do so much with pasta, the recipes and choices are endless.

  6. This recipe seems delicious and filling!! Yum yum

  7. Looks like a nice recipe! Definitely nice to cook for friends and family


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