Strawberry and Mascarpone Crepes

Strawberry and Mascarpone Crepes

Strawberry and mascarpone crepes This is an upgrade breakfast from regular pancakes to macerated strawberry Fluffy Pancakes

I gave these pancakes a delicious feel by whipping delicious tasty toppings, I added mascarpone cream to give the topping that extra creamier texture and feel then I macerated some strawberries.

This isn't your typical breakfast,this is an upgrade breakfast.

Pancakes served with macerated strawberries and mascarpone cream

Strawberry and Mascarpone Crepes- Strawberry and Mascarpone Pancakes

pancakes with macerated strawberry and mascarpone cream |

This Crepes Recipe is perfect, topped with whipped mascarpone and macerated strawberries,These Pancakes are perfect for breakfast or any occasion. These Pancakes are moist and flavourful.

Read Also: Strawberry Dessert

This Berry Pancake Recipe is not your typical Pancake Recipe.

These Pancakes are delicious and easy to make.

These homemade Crepes are fun to make and to look at.

This is a great dessert that your kids and family will enjoy.

The strawberries are perfect for ice cream, waffles and cake.

These pancakes are topped with the right Mascarpone cream.

Strawberry and Mascarpone Crepes- Strawberry and Mascarpone Pancakes

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What is Mascarpone Cream Cheese?

Mascarpone is Italian cream cheese, it's milky,sweet in flavor and Soft.

What is to macerate?

To macerate means to soften berries using liquid.

Maceration means to sprinkle strawberries or any berries with sugar to improve their texture and taste and to help them release juice on their step 

Strawberry and Mascarpone Crepes- Strawberry and Mascarpone Pancakes

Why Macerate Strawberries?

strawberries are macerate when they have a sour taste or when they are tasteless.

Macerating them actually gives them a sweet flavour and taste.

How to macerate Strawberries

Wash and hull the strawberries or berries, quarter them and place them in a bowl. Sprinkle with sugar and add some Vannila Extract.toss and let it sit until the juice is formed. Stir well and serve on pancake or serve them plain and eat them with a spoon or you can serve with whipped cream.

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strawberry mascarpone crepes

These homemade Crepes are fun to make and to look at.a great dessert/ breakfast that your kids and family will enjoy. The crepes are topped with the right Mascarpone cream and the right macerated strawberries.

Strawberry And Mascarpone Crepes

Strawberry And Mascarpone Crepes


  • 2 Cups all purpose flour
  • ¼ Cup granulated sugar
  • 2 Teaspoons baking powder
  • ¼ Teaspoon Baking Soda
  • 1 ½ cups milk
  • ½ Cup melted butter
  • 2 Teaspoons Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Large egg
  • ½ Teaspoon Salt
  • 2 Cups macerated strawberries
  • 6 Tablespoons Mascarpone Cream Cheese


    1. In a mixing bowl combine flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt.Mix til everything is equally distributed.
    2. In a different mixing bowl add milk,melted butter and egg.use a wire whisk to whisk the wet ingredients together.
    3. Slowly mix the wet and the dry ingredients together.using a handheld mixer mix til smooth.
    4. The batter should be thick and creamy in consistency.But not thick to the point of not being able to pour off the ladle.if the batter becomes too thick then add a couple Tablespoons of milk until you reach a desired consistency.
    5. Set the batter aside and allow to rest while heating up your pan or your griddle.heat a non stick pan or griddle over low- medium heat and wipe over with a little butter to lightly grease the pan.
    6. Pour ¼ cup of batter into the pan and spread out gently into a round shape with the back of your ladle or measuring cup. When the underside is golden and bubbles begin to appear on the surface,flip with a spatula and cook until golden brown.repeat with the remaining batter.
    7. Arrange your pancakes and add Mascarpone cream cheese and Macerated strawberry on top of the Mascarpone.

        1.You can also serve with honey,maple,cream,fruits etc. 

        Equipments Used
        • Mixing bowls 
        • Pan • Measuring Cup 
        • Breakable Plates


        I would love to hear from you. If you have made this recipe then please do leave a comment below. If you like this recipe then please do share the recipe with your friends and family on Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Did you make this recipe? Tag @cook.appetite or hashtag it #cookappetite!

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  1. These look sooooo amazing! Thank you for sharing your recipe, I'm excited to give these a try. This may be our breakfast go-to this coming Saturday, I'm sure my fiancé won't mind! ;)

  2. Look at that stack of pancakes, I just love strawberries on pancakes. This is definitely a must share post.

  3. These look really tasty! I love crepes but haven't tried this version out yet.

  4. Wow! This looks delicious ��..I will try to make it by myself. Thanks for sharing !

  5. I'm huge fan of pancakes. Never tried this version before though. Will need to give this a try sometime.

  6. This looks super yummy! Do you have any ideas of how I could veganise this dish?

  7. This looks delicious and the post is very detailed.thanks for sharing.

  8. These look super yummy! Do you have any recommendations on how I could possibly veganise this recipe? 💚

  9. This will be on my Sunday Brunch menu. Hopefully mine turn as delicious as yours look.

  10. This is delicious. The cream and straberry on top, that's perfect pancakes haha. Thank you for sharing!

  11. woow...your story making me craving badly for crepes, gonna making mine for breakfast tmr. ha...ha...cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  12. Oh my god, this looks so tasty. Will definitely try it on one of my cheat days of my diet. ;)

  13. OMG! This looks amazing. I have been craving pancakes. I think I will be making these this weekend.


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