Strawberry Trifle

Strawberry Trifle 

Strawberry Trifle Strawberry trifles are the scrappiest dessert around. Made from cookies, cake or brownies, these trifles are great at satisfying a crowd.

I wanted to make strawberry trifles for many months now but I didn't have the time plus strawberries were hard to find. I happened to have had almost all the ingredients when I found the strawberries in the super market- so it was a win for me.

I got the freshest strawberries, I literally finished them before I could even make my trifle. Ah how I long strawberries - I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it before that strawberries are one of my favorite fruits, I say one of because I don't have one favorite fruit, I have 3-4 and strawberries happen to be on the list.

A trifle looks very fancy. Doesn't it? The reality is, some people are scared of attempting to make it because they think it's difficult to make and it's time consuming but the reality is,it's easy to make and quick as long as you have the ingredients. The textures and colors give the trifle a pretty look, and a delicious taste of course. 

how to make strawberry trifle dessert 

Who doesn't love a dessert that gets ready in just about 43 minutes? We all want something quick but something quick and pretty is all we want, at least I always want my food to look as delicious as they taste. 

strawberry trifle 

This strawberry shortcake trifle is made with just a few ingredients. 

Strawberry Trifle |

Strawberry Trifle Recipe

Strawberry trifles are the scrappiest dessert around. Made from cookies, cake or brownies, these trifles are great at satisfying a crowd.

Strawberry Trifle Recipe

Perhaps you are overwhelmed with the option of choosing the cake to use. Perhaps you are confused whether to use pound cake or angel cake.

This is the second time I'm making trifles and I always use pound cake. The reason why I use pound cake is because pound cake is buttery and rich and  helps the trifle last longer in the fridge.

berry trifle | strawberry parfait


Pound Cake:I used pound cake because it's buttery and helps the trifle last longer in the grudge. If you are going to use angel cake then make sure you freeze it in order to keep it intact as you cut and layer it.

Amaretto liqueur: The liqueur is brushed on the cake but you can omit the ingredient if you want to. Brandy liquor is also a great option. 

Amaretti Cookies: For garnishing.

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Strawberries: I used strawberries. But this recipe can also be made with a combination of berries. You can use blackberries, blueberries, raspberry and strawberries. A combination of berries will compliment the look of the  trifles.

Balsamic Vinegar: The vinegar is added in the strawberry in order to give the strawberries a citrus taste but you can entirely omit this, instead just use sugar.

Sugar:The sugar is used to sweeten the strawberries.

macerated strawberries recipe | how to macerate strawberries


Heavy Cream: use cold heavy cream or heavy whipping cream.

Sugar:Some bakers prefer using granulated sugar to make whipped cream, I also use granulated sugar in many of my bakings but this time I went for Icing sugar. Whether you use icing sugar or granulated sugar, your whipped cream will still taste great as long as you follow the recipe. 

strawberry trifle cheesecake 

Vanilla extract: The vanilla extract gives the whipped cream it's vanilla flavour.

What is to macerate Strawberries

To macerate berries simply means to soak them in liquid as a way of sweetening or softening them.

How To Macerate Strawberries

Macerating strawberries is a way of sweetening strawberries that are not as sweet as you like them. There is nothing worse than buying beautiful strawberries that are not as sweet as they look.

It's easy to macerate Strawberries and the options are endless.

You can macerate them in vinegar like I did in this recipe or you can simply macerate them in sugar.

Ingredients needed for this recipe:

• A handful of strawberries

• ⅓ cup of balsamic vinegar

• 2 Tablespoons of sugar.


Cut your strawberries in halve and put them in a mini casserole dish or you can use a mixing bowl. Add ⅓ cup aged balsamic vinegar then add 2 tablespoons sugar. Stir your strawberries using a wooden spoon then cover your Casserole dish with a plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. You can also do it overnight, the longer they macerate the softer the strawberries will be.

How to macerate strawberries |

What is to macerate Strawberries |

Homemade Whipped Cream

Perfect homemade whipped cream with only 3 ingredients. Strawberry trifles are incomplete without whipped cream. 

The perfect whipped cream is made with only a few ingredients and comes together in just a few's creamy and delicious.

When it comes to sweetening whipped cream granulated sugar and confectioner's sugar aka Icing sugar does the work.

I can't tell you how many times I have made whipped cream in the last two years- I made it once last year. The reason why I no longer make whipped cream as much as I used to is because ingredients have become more expensive than buying already made whipped cream. I usually make whipped cream when I'm making ice cream so it's not really a big deal.

fruit trifle recipes  |  berry trifle with pound cake and pudding  

Whipped cream recipe is one of those basic recipes yet it's the best and it only take a few minutes.

Ingredients needed to make whipped cream

Heavy cream: I prefer to use heavy cream because it's creamier

Sweetener: Choose whatever sweetener that works for you. I usually use granulated sugar and icing sugar(confectioner's sugar),in this recipe I used icing sugar. You can also use maple syrup or honey.

Flavoring: The option for flavoring whipped cream are endless but my go for whipped cream and vanilla extract.

How to make whipped cream


• 3 cups heavy cream

• ¼ cup icing sugar

• 2 teaspoons vanilla essence

Using an electric mixer whip the heavy cream,Icing sugar and vanilla extract for 3 minutes on high speed.

How to make whipped cream

How to make whipped cream

Homemade whipped cream

How to make strawberry trifle

Now that we have macerated our strawberries and made our whipped cream it's time to make our trifle.


• Using a Thin-bladed slicing knife, slice pound cake into ½ inch think slices. You only need 4 slices for this recipe. 

• Use a cookie cutter to cut out circles from each cake slice.

• Line up 2 highball glasses and place 1 cake circle in the bottom of each ball glass. Brush the cakes that you have lined in the cup with amaretto liqueur.

• Add 2 tablespoons of macerated strawberries and spread evenly.

• Using a different tablespoon, add whipped cream in the ball cups and spread evenly.

• Add a second layer of cake. Once again brush with amaretto liqueur. Once again add 2 tablespoons of macerated strawberries. Spread evenly and top with whipped cream.

• Add the last layer of cake and garnish with Amaretti cookie,once more add strawberries and spread them evenly. Add all the remaining whipped cream in the cups then add one strawberry on the whipped cream.

I just used store bought pound cake for this recipe but here is a recipe in case you'll love to learn how to make a pound cake from scratch. Orange Pound Cake Recipe

how to make strawberry trifle | homemade strawberry trifle | strawberry trifle recipe

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Strawberry trifles are the scrappiest dessert around. Made from cookies, cake or brownies, these trifles are great at satisfying a crowd.

Strawberry trifles are the scrappiest dessert around. Made from cookies, cake or brownies, these trifles are great at satisfying a crowd.

Strawberry trifles are the scrappiest dessert around. Made from cookies, cake or brownies, these trifles are great at satisfying a crowd.

Strawberry trifles are the scrappiest dessert around. Made from cookies, cake or brownies, these trifles are great at satisfying a crowd.

Strawberry Trifle


  • 1 cup of strawberries
  • ⅓ cup of balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 3 cups heavy cream
  • ¼ cup icing sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla essence
  • A day old pound cake
  • 50mls Amaretto liqueur
  • 6 Amaretti Cookies


  1. Cut your strawberries in halve and put them in a mini casserole dish or you can use a mixing bowl. Add ⅓ cup aged balsamic vinegar then add 2 tablespoons sugar. Stir your strawberries using a wooden spoon then cover your Casserole dish with a plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. You can also do it overnight, the longer they macerate the softer the strawberries will be. Using an electric mixer whip the heavy cream,Icing sugar and vanilla extract for 3 minutes on high speed.Freeze for 30 minutes.
  2. Using a Thin-bladed slicing knife, slice pound cake into ½ inch think slices. You only need 6 slices for this recipe. Use a cookie cutter to cut out circles from each cake slice.
  3. Line up 2 highball glasses and place 1 cake circle in the bottom of each ball glass. Brush the cakes that you have lined in the cup with amaretto liqueur.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of macerated strawberries and spread evenly. Using a different tablespoon, add whipped cream in the ball cups and spread evenly.
  5. Using a different tablespoon, add whipped cream in the ball cups and spread evenly. Add a second layer of cake. Once again brush with amaretto liqueur. Once again add 2 tablespoons of macerated strawberries. Spread evenly and top with whipped cream.
  6. Add the last layer of cake and garnish with am cookie,once more add strawberries and spread them evenly. Add all the remaining whipped cream in the cups then add one strawberry on the whipped cream.

      Equipments Used:
       • Mini Casserole Dish
       • Mixing Bowl 
       • Electric Mixer
       • Cookie Cutter
       • 2 Highball Glasses
       • Wooden Spoon
       • Thin-bladed slicing knife


I would love to hear from you. If you have made this recipe then please do leave a comment below. If you like this recipe then please do share the recipe with your friends and family on Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Did you make this recipe? Tag @cook.appetite or hashtag it #cookappetite!

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  1. I love scrappy and easy desserts. This looks refreshing!

  2. Looks like it is hard to prepare though. Anyways, thank you for sharing this recipe. Bookmarked this link for my friend to visit. Thanks!

    1. Strawberry trifles look intimidating but they are really easy to prepare.

  3. Looks very tempting and totally delicious! nom nom nom!

  4. This is perfect for valentine's day! Thanmk you so much for sharing this great dessert recipe.

    1. I agree. Valentine's can't get any better with a cup of delicious strawberry trifle.

  5. I love strawberries and the triffle looks easy to make!

  6. People get lazy when making something like this. But glad to know it's easy, The recipe seem doesn't seem need a lot of stuff.

  7. Yummy! I would love to make this. It looks delicious!

  8. This looks so good! I’m going to definitely save this.

  9. This sounds so good to me and I have strawberries in the fridge. I might have to make this tonight.

  10. Easy to make desserts are my favourite, this looks so yummy.

  11. Omg this looks absolutely amazing! I would love to try it out!


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