Easy Brownies Recipe

Easy Brownies Recipe 

Easy Brownies Recipe This is my go to Brownies Recipe.they are moist,sweet and they have the perfect chocolate flavor.

This homamde brownies recipe makes Brownies that taste like store bought brownies. 
The Brownies are fudge inside  and they are made from scratch.
They are moist,dense and they have a perfect fudgy texture.really perfect for every brownie lover. 
These brownies are actually more perfect than box brownies because they are flavorful and homemade.

What's More? They come together in minutes. There is a possibility that you already have all the ingredients in the kitchen.

The chocolate brownies have a rich sweet taste.good thing the kids were here to  help me eat all the brownies.

brownies recipe easy | fudgy brownies recipe | fudgy brownie recipe cocoa powder 

Chocolate Brownies Recipe

The brownies were the satisfactory we have ever had.none of us could keep our hands out of them.
Easy and scrumptious is the perfect definition.
The kids have a crazy chocolate craving so this recipe was a win win.

Each Brownie came out full of melted chocolate.the good thing is that the chocolate was  ready to eat in about 10 minutes.The kids had been waiting the entire time.They didn't move an inch from the time I started preparing to the time I had put them in the oven,til I removed them from the oven and they had cooled off.

You'll sincerely never buy a boxed brownie after making this recipe, I'm definitely certain that you'll stick to this recipe even for years to come.
chocolate brownies from scratch

This Homamde Brownies Recipe makes Brownies that taste like store bought brownies.  The Brownies are fudge inside  and they are made from scratch. They are moist,dense and they have a perfect fudgy texture.really perfect for every brownie lover.  These brownies are actually more perfect than box brownies because they are flavorful and homemade.

brownies recipe | cookappetite.com

The ingredients are nothing extraordinary simply cocoa,flour and sugar backed up perfectly.
These are the ingredients you'll need to make brownies.
Follow this simple recipe and you'll have perfect brownies recipe

Flour - I used all purpose flour however I'm pretty sure any type of flour will work.I used unbleached flour which has zero to no chemical,but like I cited any type of flour will work.

Butter - I usually use unsalted butter but in case you solely have salted butter then it's totally fine.this recipe doesn't use any salt,the little salt in butter will no longer do any harm.

Cocoa powder
- I used unsweetened cocoa powder,matter of fact,I only used unsweetened cocoa powder in almost all my recipes.If you are going to use sweetened cocoa powder then be sure to limit the amount of sugar you'll use for the brownies.

Castor Sugar - For that extra chewiness you ought to use castor sugar.Brown sugar can also get the job done.

Eggs - 3 Eggs are all I needed to provide the brownies a binding together.

Vanilla Essence - Vanilla give life to the majority of these recipes,this recipe used to be no exception.

Chocolate Chips - You can use absolutely any type of chocolate you prefer.I love milk chocolate chips because they provide a cracky top on the brownies.

Love Chocolate? Then you'll love these recipes
Chewy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Bars
Chocolate Chip Muffins
And this  Chocolate Fudge Cake Recipe

Fudge flavouring
- This backed the vanilla up big time.fudge flavour is a thick, chocolate-flavored syrup,it's similar to  flavor,the solely difference is that the chocolate flavor is in solid form.It was once a brownie recipe so I thought fudge flavor couldn't be disregarded but you can omit it if you want.

Fresh Cream - Imagine brownies without milk?Well I just couldn't.

best brownie recipe in the world | chocolate brownie recipe | simple chocolate brownie recipe

Storing brownies

Store at room temperature in a well sealed air tight container otherwise they will dry out.The don't lose their taste and flavor even after four days as long as they are stored properly.

This Homamde Brownies Recipe makes Brownies that taste like store bought brownies.  The Brownies are fudge inside  and they are made from scratch. They are moist,dense and they have a perfect fudgy texture.really perfect for every brownie lover.  These brownies are actually more perfect than box brownies because they are flavorful and homemade.

How To Make Fudge Chocolate Brownies
  1. Melt butter using a microwave. Put melted butter, cocoa powder and sugar in a mixing bowl. Stir until fully dissolved.
  2. Add eggs, one at a time, vanilla essence and fresh milk. Stir using a spatula. Add flour and mix until well combined.
  3. Grease baking pan with some butter and pour the mixture on the pan.
  4. Bake in a preheated oven at 150°C for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and place on a wire rank to cool. Cut into cubes.
  5. Serve with a drizzle of fudge sauce.

Hot Chocolate Fudge Sauce
This easy fudge sauce is made with only 5 ingredients and it's ready in less than 10 minutes. 
Homemade chocolate sauce to drizzle on cakes, brownies and ice cream. This fudge sauce is made with only a few ingredients.

I drizzled hot chocolate fudge sauce on my brownies and they were super delicious.
Making homemade hot fudge sauce is as easy as making fudge brownies.

Hot Fudge Sauce Ingredients
• Melted butter
• Chocolate Chips
• Castor Sugar
• Fresh Cream
• Fudge Flavouring

So here is the reality, the sauce is made with both fudge flavoring, fresh cream and chocolate chip, the fudge flavoring in this recipe is the reason why I'm calling this sauce a hot fudge sauce, but in reality this is chocolate sauce. Chocolate sauce is made from chocolate chips and fresh cream. So should we call this sauce a chocolate fudge sauce? Or just chocolate sauce? Perhaps we'll just call it hot chocolate fudge sauce

Sauce poured over brownies

How To Make Chocolate Fudge Sauce.
Made with both fudge flavoring and chocolate chips, this fudge sauce is easy to make.

  1. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter, a handful of chocolate chips and 2 tablespoons of castor sugar in a pan. Mix using a spatula.
  2. Add a tablespoon of fresh cream and a teaspoon of fudge flavouring.
  3. Stir continuously until smooth and runny.

Freezing brownies

If you want to store them for  as long as 2 months then freezing the brownies is the first-class option.
Just wrap them in a kitchen plastic then in a foil, lastly in a air tight resealable bag,then refrigerate.

how to make Brownies

The ingredients and measurements determine how delicious your brownies will taste.
Your kitchen will have a sweet heaven scent when you start baking your brownies.the scent will last for hours.

Serve your brownies with a glass of milk.

Check out this chocolate cake recipe

Chocolate fudge cake

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This Homamde Brownies Recipe makes Brownies that taste like store bought brownies.  The Brownies are fudge inside  and they are made from scratch. They are moist,dense and they have a perfect fudgy texture.really perfect for every brownie lover.  These brownies are actually more perfect than box brownies because they are flavorful and homemade.

This homamde brownies recipe makes Brownies that taste like store bought brownies.  The Brownies are fudge inside  and they are made from scratch.

This is my go to brownies recipe.they are moist,sweet and they have the perfect chocolate flavor. The ingredients are nothing extraordinary. They are moist,dense and they have a perfect fudgy texture.really perfect for every brownie lover.

Easy Brownies Recipe

Easy Brownies Recipe

Brownies Ingredients:
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 5 tablespoons of unsalted melted butter
  • 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • ½ Cup of granulated sugar
  • 2 Large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
  • ½ Cup of fresh milk
Hot Fudge Sauce Ingredients:
  • 1 tablespoon melted unsalted butter
  • A handful of chocolate chips
  • 2 Tablespoons of castor sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon of fresh cream
  • 1 Teaspoon of fudge flavouring


    How to make brownies:
    1. Melt butter using a microwave. Put melted butter, cocoa powder and sugar in a mixing bowl. Stir until fully dissolved.
    2. Add eggs, one at a time, vanilla essence and fresh milk. Stir using a spatula. Add flour and mix until well combined.
    3. Grease baking pan with some butter and pour the mixture on the pan.
    4. Bake in a preheated oven at 150°C for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and place on a wire rank to cool. Cut into cubes.
    5. Serve with a drizzle of fudge sauce.
    How To Make Hot Fudge Sauce:
    1. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter, a handful of chocolate chips and 2 tablespoons of castor sugar in a pan. Mix using a spatula.
    2. Add a tablespoon of fresh cream and a teaspoon of fudge flavouring.
    3. Stir continuously until smooth and runny.

      1.This Recipe can easily be doubled or tripled. 
      2. Your kitchen will have a sweet heaven scent when you start baking your brownies.the scent will last for hours.
        Equipments Used
        • Microwave 
        • Baking Pan 
        • Kitchen Knife 
        • Wire Rank 
        • Mixing Bowl 
        • Wooden Spatula 
        • Skillet


        I would love to hear from you. If you have made this recipe then please do leave a comment below. If you like this recipe then please do share the recipe with your friends and family on Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Did you make this recipe? Tag @cook.appetite or hashtag it #cookappetite!

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  1. Say no more, you had me at brownies. For some reason I've been craving a good brownie lately, with a big glass of milk!

  2. Oh my! These look absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing...I know what I will be doing with the kids later today!

  3. omg yummm these look so good!! I wanna try making these gluten free and vegan

  4. I'm baking soon so I'm really excited about this.

  5. These look so amazing! I am going to have to go make brownies now!

  6. I like what you've done with the brownies while plating a nice piece with berries. Yummy and soft.

  7. These brownies look really delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe with us.

  8. I love brownies, my mother used to make them very often when I was growing up as well. They are so easy to make and so delicious.

  9. OMG Can I just say, I can’t help but drool over the picture! Who would not love to taste this! I’ll making this out over the weekends.


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