Jam Tarts Recipe

Jam Tarts Recipe

Jam Tarts Recipe - This easy jam tarts recipe is made with just 7 ingredients. These tarts are a perfect sweet treat for both kids and adults.

These simple ingredients make enough jam tart for the whole family. The simplicity of this jam tart recipe can't beat recipes like cookies or waffles.
jam tart biscuits

By the way! Check out this delicious waffles recipe Homemade Waffles Recipe

If you love applying jam on your bread then you'll love these tarts. The dough is perfectly made, then the jam is applied between each jam tart then baked together.

These jam tarts are perfect for birthdays, a come together party or a fancy tea party.

I call these homemade jam tart buttery cookies with jam on. Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Your jam tarts are as good as the jam you use. The goodness with jam tarts is that you can use any type of jam. You can use Apricot jam, strawberry jam or mixed fruit jam.
Store bought apricot jam is just as great as homemade apricot jam, just in case you'd love to make your own jam from scratch. I am more of a strawberry jam fan, so my first option would be to make strawberry jam tarts.. But guess what? I already had mixed fruit jam, which is a combination of strawberry, tomato and some other berry. If strawberry jam is delicious then mixed fruit jam is even more delicious ( believe me)
My recipe yield delicious mixed fruit jam tarts 😊


These tarts use only 6 ingredients that you may already have in your pantry.
Jam tarts are a sweet treat that your kids will love.
You don't need a special occasion to enjoy these delicious vanilla essence jam tarts

Jam Tarts Recipe

Just like with the majority of recipes jam tarts are great because you get to use any jam of your choice.
These tarts use only 6 ingredients that you may already have in your pantry.
Jam tarts are a sweet treat that your kids will love.
You don't need a special occasion to enjoy these delicious vanilla essence jam tarts


Flour: I used all-purpose flour. However any type of flour will work just as fine. I used unbleached flour which has no chemical.

Baking Powder: 1 Teaspoon of baking powder.

Butter: Unsalted butter. I try by all means to make my cookies without salt.

Sugar: I used castor sugar for that extra chewiness.

Jam: Mixed fruit jam, but apricot jam, pineapple jam and strawberry jam are just as delicious.

Eggs: I used 6 eggs. I have come across jam tarts recipes that contain no eggs.I do not know how those tarts taste like but one thing I can tell you is that these tarts were as delicious as they look.

Vanilla essence: I used vanilla essence though you can use lemon zest, in case you want that tangy taste.

Jam Tarts Recipe


These jam tarts are easy to make, just like any other cookie.
How to make jam tarts step by step

  1. In a large mixing bowl, mix 6 cups of flour and 1 teaspoon of baking powder. Stir using a wooden spoon.

  2. In a separate bowl, mix melted butter and castor sugar, whisk everything together til smooth, add vanilla essence, and continue to whisk, add eggs one at a time and whisk everything til smooth.

  3. Mix your wet ingredient to your dry ingredients.

  4. Get one cup of dough and freeze for one hour.

  5. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into thick inches on a greased surface. Use a square cookie cutter to cut out the dough. Add jam on every dough.

  6. Remove the frozen dough from the fridge and grate it on top of the dough with jam.

  7. Grease baking tray. Add the dough on the tray.

  8. Preheat oven to 180°C and bake your tarts for 15 minutes or til golden brown.
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Jam tarts recipe

This easy jam tarts recipe is made with just 7 ingredients. These tarts are a perfect sweet treat for both kids and adults. These simple ingredients make enough jam tart for the whole family. The simplicity of this jam tart recipe beat recipes like cookies and waffles.

Jam Tarts Recipe

Jam Tarts Recipe


  • 6 Cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 Teaspoon baking powder
  • 500g unsalted butter
  • 2 Cups castor sugar
  • Mixed fruit jam
  • 6 Eggs
  • 1 Teaspoon vanilla essence


  1. In a large mixing bowl, mix 6 cups of flour and 4 teaspoons of baking powder. Stir using a wooden spoon.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix melted butter and castor sugar, whisk everything together til smooth, add vanilla essence, and continue to whisk, add eggs one at a time and whisk everything til smooth.
  3. Mix your wet ingredient to your dry ingredients.
  4. Get one cup of dough and freeze for one hour.
  5. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into thick inches on a greased surface. Use a square cookie cutter to cut out the dough. Add jam on every dough.
  6. Remove the frozen dough from the fridge and grate it on top of the dough with jam.
  7. Grease baking tray. Add the dough on the tray.
  8. Preheat oven to 180°C and bake your tarts for 15 minutes or til golden brown.

      Equipments Used:
       • Chakla Belan set 
       • Mixing bowls 
       • Squared cookie cutter 
       • Baking tray 
       • Wooden Spatula


      I would love to hear from you. If you have made this recipe then please do leave a comment below. If you like this recipe then please do share the recipe with your friends and family on Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Did you make this recipe? Tag @cook.appetite or hashtag it #cookappetite!

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  1. These tarts look and sound delicious. I love baking and trying new recipes. Would definitely try this recipe.

  2. Ooh, I have the best peach and raspberry jams. I think I may make layers with them with this recipe. I can't wait to try it!

  3. Oh gosh those look so cute, they'd be great at a pool party. Thanks for the recipe!

  4. Yummy!! I need to try this out this weekend!

  5. These look super yummy and easy to make!

  6. These jam tarts seem really delicious! Looking forward to making them sometime, thanks for sharing these with us!

  7. These sound super yummy! I'll have to try making them.

  8. Those jam tarts are looking quite delicious! I'm sure the kids would love to try this sometime.

  9. definitely gonna try this once...this truly looks so delicious and tasty one..glad you shared this recipe with us...

  10. This recipe seems very straightforward and simple enough for my kids to help out when we make it. Thanks for the idea to make something delicious.

  11. Those looks absolutely delicious. Perhaps I shall surprise my wife and make those for her!

  12. They look really good. Would love to try!

  13. Those look like the perfect tasty treats for kids... and adults with a sweet tooth like me. Haha
    Elizabeth O


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