BBQ Bacon Hawaiian Pizza

BBQ Bacon Hawaiian Pizza 

This is a bbq bacon hawaiian pizza recipe made from scratch with soy sauce and bbq worcestershire sauce topped with pineapple, bell peppers, onions and tomatoes.

This bbq pizza 🍕 is the real deal. It's the classier pizza on this blog and it's definitely my favorite. Tell me what's better than homemade barbecue pizza. 

pineapple pizza on a wooden plate. Hawaiian pizza is a fun way to use up your leftovers. Pizza isn't my favorite food but everyone at home loves it, I do bake it for the sake of the pizza lovers at home and of course per custom I do take a bite. I loved this Hawaiian pizza that I had the same share with everyone.this pizza taste great.

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This is a bbq bacon hawaiian pizza recipe made from scratch with soy sauce and bbq worcestershire sauce topped with pineapple, bell peppers, onions and tomatoes.

Hello to my new favorite pizza  you can order this type of pizza but truth is that homemade is just the best. When you make pizza at home, you'll give your kids an opportunity to help out and of course you'll be in full control of what ingredients will be in your pizza 

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This BBQ Bacon Hawaiian Pizza is loaded with minced beef, pineapple, Bacon, bell peppers, red onion, spring onion, cherry tomatoes, garlic, fresh basil, cheddar and mozzarella cheese, BBQ worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, BBQ spice and herb.

I'm not really a pizza fan but damn this pizza recipe is about to make me fall in love.

I used to think that pineapple didn't belong on pizza but I was totally wrong. Hawaiian Pizza is absolutely delicious, it's even more delicious when you add Bacon on it. 

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They say the best pizza recipe is the one you love the most and I agree. The best pizza recipe is the one you love the most whether you are a pizza fan or not. In this case the best pizza recipe for me is Hawaiian Pizza Recipe.

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Hawaiian Pizza Recipe |

BBQ Bacon Hawaiian Pizza Recipe

Have you ever said you'll never eat something, then you eat it only to realise it's super delicious and you end up biting your tongue? That's pineapple pizza for you.

You are going to make pizza from scratch so you'll have the best homemade pizza ever.

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This is a bbq bacon hawaiian pizza recipe made from scratch with soy sauce and bbq worcestershire sauce topped with pineapple, bell peppers, onions and tomatoes.

Homemade Hawaiian Pizza 

Yeast in pizza? Absolutely.

You can't have a good pizza dough without adding yeast to your dough.

I know a lot of people are not fans of yeast but if you have baked bread  before then you must pretty sure know how to handle yeast. 

When it comes to yeast the options are endless but I highly recommend instant yeast, rapid rise yeast is good but so are other brands. 

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Flour: I am using all-purpose flour. Bread flour also does an amazing job. Don't throw it away in case it's the only flour available.

Yeast: I like to use instant dry Yeast.

Butter: Butter gives pizza buttery flaky layers.

Milk: for a softer crust use milk instead of water.

Pineapple: I am using fresh pineapple because they are in season. In case pineapples are not in season where you are you can use canned pineapple.

Bacon: I'm putting cooked back bacon on my hawaiian pizza.

Minced Beef: Let's call this one a ground beef pizza. ground beef hawaiian pizza. Sounds just right 🙈

Vegetables: Green pepper,red pepper,yellow Pepper,red onion,spring onion,cherry tomatoes, garlic cloves,fresh basil.

Cheddar Cheese: Cheddar cheese should be shredded.avoid pre-shredded Cheese.

Mozzarella Cheese: Shredded mozzarella cheese gives the best melt-ability.

Sauce: i used BBQ Worcestershire Sauce and Soy Sauce.

Spices: Herb Spice and BBQ Spice.

Salt: Use fine grain salt because it easily dissolves in the dough.

How to make Hawaiian Pizza

To make your homemade pizza dough you first have to whisk dry ingredients together.


Step 1.

 In a mixing bowl add 2 cups of flour, pinch of salt, and a tablespoon of instant yeast then whisk 

Step 2.

Warm 2 tablespoons of butter and add half cup of milk. Add this mixture to the flour mixture and mix well. 

Step 3.

Put the mixture on a board and knead for 3 minutes until it's no longer sticky, if the dough is sticking in your hands then add some additional flour. 

Step 4.

Cover with a kitchen towel and let the dough rise for an hour. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to the desired size based on your baking pan. 


Getting the Topping ready is one of the easiest job, in fact this pizza only requires little time, both for the prep and for cooking.

Step 1.

Saute mince meat and Bacon on a pan until the bloody color is gone. 

Step 2.

Add BBQ and garlic, herb spice, salt and pepper then set aside. 

Step 3.

Glaze the pizza dough with a dressing mixture of a packet of tomato paste , 2 tablespoons of BBQ sauce, 2 tablespoons of worcestershire sauce and 1 teaspoon of soy sauce mixed with crushed garlic and fresh basil. 

Step 4.

Add grated cheddar cheese and mozzarella cheese.then add the mince meat and Bacon. Top it with the diced bell peppers, onions, tomatoes and pineapple

This is a bbq bacon hawaiian pizza recipe made from scratch with soy sauce and bbq worcestershire sauce topped with pineapple, bell peppers, onions and tomatoes.

Step 5.

Bake at 180° for 15 minutes.

This is a bbq bacon hawaiian pizza recipe made from scratch with soy sauce and bbq worcestershire sauce topped with pineapple, bell peppers, onions and tomatoes.

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This is a bbq bacon hawaiian pizza recipe made from scratch with soy sauce and bbq worcestershire sauce topped with pineapple, bell peppers, onions and tomatoes.

This is a bbq bacon hawaiian pizza recipe made from scratch with soy sauce and bbq worcestershire sauce topped with pineapple, bell peppers, onions and tomatoes.

This is a bbq bacon hawaiian pizza recipe made from scratch with soy sauce and bbq worcestershire sauce topped with pineapple, bell peppers, onions and tomatoes.

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BBQ Bacon Hawaiian Pizza

This BBQ Bacon Hawaiian Pizza combines bbq Worcestershire sauce,soy sauce, cheese and pineapple. This crowd-pleasing pizza recipe starts with my homemade pizza crust and is finished with a sprinkle of crispy bacon. It’s salty, sweet, cheesy, and undeniably delicious!.

Prep time: 15 MinCook time: 15 MinTotal time: 30 Min


  • 1 packet of minced beef
  • 1 packet of back bacon
  • 1 pineapple
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 1 red Onion
  • Spring onion
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Fresh Basil
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • BBQ Worcestershire sauce
  • Soy Sauce
  • BBQ Spice
  • Garlic
  • Herb Spice
  • Salt
  • 2 Cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 Tablespoon of instant yeast
  • 2 Tablespoons of butter
  • Half a cup of milk


Pizza Dough
  1. In a mixing bowl add 2 cups of flour, pinch of salt, and a tablespoon of instant yeast then whisk.
  2. Warm 2 tablespoons of butter and add half cup of milk. Add this mixture to the flour mixture and mix well.
  3. Put the mixture on a board and knead for 3 minutes until it's no longer sticky, if the dough is sticking in your hands then add some additional flour.
  4. Cover with a kitchen towel and let the dough rise for an hour. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to the desired size based on your baking pan.
Pizza Topping
  1. Saute mince meat and Bacon on a pan until the bloody color is gone.
  2. Add BBQ and garlic, herb spice, salt and pepper then set aside.
  3. Glaze the pizza dough with a dressing mixture of a packet of tomato paste , 2 tablespoons of BBQ sauce, 2 tablespoons of worcestershire sauce and 1 teaspoon of soy sauce mixed with crushed garlic and fresh basil.
  4. Add gratedland cheddar cheese and mozzarella cheese.then add the mince meat and Bacon. Top it with the diced bell peppers, onions, tomatoes and pineapple.
  5. Bake at 180° for 15 minutes.


Freezer Friendly: After the dough has risen punch it and coat with cooking oil or olive oil and place it in freezer bag, make sure you remove air from the freezer bag before you close it. Freeze for up to 3 months. Make-Ahead: Let the dough rise for 30-40 minutes then place in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours..


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  1. This looks delicious. I love homemade pizza you options are endless. BBQ Bacon Hawaiian pizza sounds yummy!

    1. Thank you. I also love homemade pizza because it can be customised according to one's liking.

  2. Well, this looks amazing. It has everything I love on a pizza!

  3. This looks so yummy yet healthy! I love all the veggies in it. Thank you for sharing!

  4. I love adding pineapple to pizza, that makes it Hawaiian! Your pizza recipe looks delicious! I would love to paired that with any red wine.

  5. One of my favorite pizza's right here! YUM! Thanks for sharing

  6. How funny - this reminds me of my childhood - I think I didn't have Hawaiian pizza ever since.

  7. looks so very delicous! love it! nom nom nom!

  8. Omg Hawaiian Pizza is my ultimate favorite pizza! I have no clue why other don't like it! This looks super delicious and now I'm wondering if I should order one for lunch!

    1. Right! I also wonder why some people diss pineapple pizza 😕

  9. We love Hawaiian pizza in my household! My kids love it.

    1. Your kids have good taste when it comes to food 😃

  10. Wow! Glad to bump in this , I’m a fan of pizza but I’m not a fan of doing it on my own , hehe but this seems need a try.


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