Balsamic Steak Roll-Ups

Balsamic Steak Roll-Ups

Balsamic Steak Roll-Ups Steak roll-ups also called beef rolls, beef roll-ups, steak rolls, pinwheels or stuffed flank steak are delicious easy steak made with just a few ingredients.Steak rolls are a great choice for a weekend dinner with the family or a birthday party,dinner party or a getaway with the family.They are fancy for whatever party you'd love to throw but also easy for a weeknight dinner.

Steak roll-ups also called beef rolls, beef roll-ups, steak rolls, pinwheels or stuffed flank steak are delicious easy steak made with just a few ingredients.Steak rolls are a great

I have had a lot of chicken meals this  month, I thought of spicing things up by doing something extraordinary with the beef that was in the freezer. The results? Perfection.

Truth be told I had a hard time deciding what to do with the steak. Oh wrong sentence babe! It took me hours to finally know what to do with the steak but with the help of google I finally figured out what to make. Uhm yes I also google recipes when I don't know what to prepare 🙂 it's crazy but it's true. But anyway here we are.

The problem is not having a fancy recipe the problem is having a lot of delicious fancy recipes that at the end of the day you fail to choose which one you'll go for.Steak Roll Ups couldn't get any fancy. This is melt-in-your-mouth perfection.

steak roll ups |

Balsamic Steak Roll-Ups Recipe

The balsamic steak rolls look incredible and taste great. I know they look like they are hard to make but the reality is they are really easy. I honestly can't say enough about this meal but it's deliciously healthy and it's super impressive. These steak rolls don't require a lot of pre-time. 

Steak Roll-Ups

How to make Steak Roll-Ups

The balsamic steak rolls look incredible and taste great. I know they look like they are hard to make but the reality is they are really easy. I honestly can't say enough about this meal but it's deliciously healthy and it's super impressive. These steak rolls don't require a lot of pre-time. 

The steak rolls are made with just minimal ingredients.
Here is what you'll need for this recipe.

Steak: Beef Fillet
Vinegar: Balsamic Vinegar
Vegetables: Carrots,Yellow pepper, green pepper,red pepper,green beans
Seasoning: Rosemary and lemon spice, crushed garlic, salt and pepper.
Oil: Olive Oil

1. Marinate one packet of beef fillet in a mixture of ¼ cup of balsamic vinegar, a tablespoon of cooking oil,Rosemary and lemon seasoning, crushed garlic,salt and black pepper for 20 minutes.
2. Cut 2 medium carrots,1 red pepper,1 green pepper and 1 yellow pepper in strips. 
3. Place the steaks on a chopping board and thinly slice them.
Steak Roll-Ups

how to make steak roll ups | how to make steak rolls at home | beef rolls recipe

The balsamic steak rolls look incredible and taste great. I know they look like they are hard to make but the reality is they are really easy. I honestly can't say enough about this meal but it's deliciously healthy and it's super impressive. These steak rolls don't require a lot of pre-time.

4. Add vegetables and green beans on the steaks and roll the steaks. Secure the rolled steaks with a toothpick.

The balsamic steak rolls look incredible and taste great. I know they look like they are hard to make but the reality is they are really easy. I honestly can't say enough about this meal but it's deliciously healthy and it's super impressive. These steak rolls don't require a lot of pre-time. These steak rolls don't require a lot of pre-time.

5. Heat a pan and add a bit of olive oil, fry the steak roll-ups on each side until they turn brown.
6. You can drizzle the steak roll-ups with the left over marinade to keep them moist while frying them.
7. I served my steak roll-ups with rice and mushroom sauce
Homemade Steak Roll Ups

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Rice Recipe
If you are a regular reader of my posts then you've probably noticed that I mostly use rice as my side dish on so many different meals. That's because rice is a perfect side dish and it goes well with so many dishes. You can pair it with so many dishes like chicken, meatballs, broccoli etc. There are just a few foods that I can think of that don't go well with rice.

I serve rice a lot of times in a week during dinner or lunch because it's easy to make, it's also perfect for balancing out main dishes and it's a picky eater favorite food. Those who have picky eater children can agree with me that rice really works wonders.

Great Thing about this recipe?
The good thing about this rice recipe is that you do not need a rice cooker or an instant pot to cook this rice. 
This rice recipe is cooked on the stove and it's quick and easy.

How to cook rice
I'm going to cover 3 methods of how you can cook rice so that everyone we'll pick their preferred method.

How to cook Rice on the stove
1. Place 6 cups of water in a saucepan,add 1 tablespoon of salt. When the water is warm add 3 cups of rice. Bring to boil on medium high heat without a lid. Reduce heat to low and cover the sauce pan with a lid. Cook rice for 13 minutes.

How to cook rice in the oven
1.Place  boiling water and rice in a Casserole dish. Cover with a lid and bake at 180° for 40 minutes.

How to cook rice in the microwave
1. Place 6 cups of boiling  water and 3 cups of rice in  a microwave proof container.
2. Microwave the rice for 13 minutes.

How to clean Rice
To clean rice simply fill a bowl with water and swish rice around then pour the water off. Or you can put the rice in a colander then wash using tap water.

What to serve with Rice

Mushroom Sauce Recipe
This easy, creamy mushroom sauce is perfect for many dishes.i made it specifically as a sauce for the rice.
The mushroom is ready in just 20 minutes and it has amazing flavor

Mushroom: I went for button mushrooms.but you can use any mushroom you like.
Vegetables: Onion,garlic cloves,fresh sweet corn kernels,spring Onion.
Seasoning: Cream Cheese, beef stock cube, Salt, black pepper.
Oil: Vegetable oil
Flour: All-Purpose flour.

How to make Mushroom Sauce
1. Cut the mushrooms into slices and put on a plate.
2. Using a chopping board cut  onion and garlic.
3. Heat cooking oil on a pan and add garlic,onion and mushrooms. Fry until onions are soft. Add flour and stir ensuring that it doesn't create lumps.
4. Put beef stock cube in a bit of water and mix then add it to the pan.
5. Let the mixture boil until it begins to thicken.
6. Add cream cheese and sweet corn,salt and black pepper to season. Lastly add spring onion. Let it simmer for 2 minutes.
Mushroom Sauce Recipe

How to thicken Mushroom Sauce
If you are not comfortable with the idea of thickening Mushroom Sauce using flour then use water and cornstarch. 
Using a small bowl mix 2 tablespoons of ater and cornstarch then add it to the Sauce as it cooks. This will thicken the Mushroom Sauce.

Allowing the sauce to simmer for a few minutes on the stove while stirring occasionally will allow the sauce to reduce down hence thickening.

How to make mushroom sauce
Homemade mushroom sauce

Mushroom Sauce will keep in the fridge for up 3  days.

• Mini casserole dish
• Mixing bowl
• Wooden Spoon
• cast-iron skillet
• Bamboo Chopping Board
• Toothpick
• Kitchen Knife 
• Tablespoon
• Stainless steel pot

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The balsamic steak rolls look incredible and taste great. I know they look like they are hard to make but the reality is they are really easy. I honestly can't say enough about this meal but it's deliciously healthy and it's super impressive. These steak rolls don't require a lot of pre-time. These steak rolls don't require a lot of pre-time.

The balsamic steak rolls look incredible and taste great. I know they look like they are hard to make but the reality is they are really easy. I honestly can't say enough about this meal but it's deliciously healthy and it's super impressive. These steak rolls don't require a lot of pre-time.

The balsamic steak rolls look incredible and taste great. I know they look like they are hard to make but the reality is they are really easy. I honestly can't say enough about this meal but it's deliciously healthy and it's super impressive. These steak rolls don't require a lot of pre-time. These steak rolls don't require a lot of pre-time.

Balsamic Steak Roll-Ups

Balsamic Steak Roll-Ups


Balsamic Steak Roll-Ups:
  • 1 Packet of beef fillet
  • ¼ Cup of balsamic vinegar
  • 1 Tablespoon olive oil, for marinating
  • 1 Teaspoon Rosemary and lemon spice
  • ½ Teaspoon crushed garlic
  • 1 Teaspoon salt and pepper
  • 2 Medium carrots
  • 1 Red pepper
  • 1 Green peppers
  • 1 Yellow pepper
  • 1 Cup green beans
  • 3 Tablespoons olive oil, for frying
  • Mushroom Sauce:
  • 1 packet of button mushrooms:
  • 1 Onion
  • 2 Cloves of garlic
  • Fresh Sweet corn kernels
  • 2 Tablespoons of flour
  • 2 Tablespoons cream cheese
  • Spring onion
  • 1 Beef stock cube
  • ½ Teaspoon salt and pepper
  • 1 packet of basmati rice:
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • ½ Teaspoon salt


    How To cook Balsamic Steak Roll Ups:
    1. Marinate one packet of beef fillet in a mixture of ¼ cup of balsamic vinegar, a tablespoon of olive oil,Rosemary and lemon seasoning, crushed garlic,salt and black pepper for 20 minutes.
    2. Cut 2 medium carrots,1 red pepper,1 green pepper and 1 yellow pepper in strips.
    3. Place the steaks on a chopping board and thinly slice them.
    4. Add vegetables and green beans on the steaks and roll the steaks. Secure the rolled steaks with a toothpick.
    5. Heat a pan and add 3 tablespoons of olive oil, fry the steak roll-ups on each side until they turn brown.
    How To Cook Rice:
    1. Place 4 and ½ cups of water in a saucepan,add 1 tablespoon of salt.
    2. Wash rice using tap water
    3. When the water is warm add 3 cups of rice. Bring to boil on medium high heat without a lid. Reduce heat to low and cover the sauce pan with a lid.
    How To Make Mushroom Sauce:
    1. Cut the mushrooms into slices and put on a plate. Using a chopping board cut onion and garlic.
    2. Heat cooking oil on a pan and add garlic,onion and mushrooms. Fry until onions are soft. Add flour and stir ensuring that it doesn't create lumps.
    3. Put beef stock cube in a bit of water and mix then add it to the pan. Let the mixture boil until it begins to thicken.
    4. Add cream cheese and sweet corn,salt and black pepper to season. Lastly add spring onion. Let it simmer for 2 minutes.

        Equipments Used:
        •Mini casserole dish 
        • Mixing bowl 
        • Wooden Spoon 
        • cast-iron skillet 
        • Bamboo Chopping Board 
        • Toothpick 
        • Kitchen Knife 
        • Tablespoon 
        • Stainless steel pot


        I would love to hear from you. If you have made this recipe then please do leave a comment below. If you like this recipe then please do share the recipe with your friends and family on Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Did you make this recipe? Tag @cook.appetite or hashtag it #cookappetite!

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  1. It looks tasty. Would love to try this! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

    1. Let me know how it will come out once you give it a try 😊

  2. This looks absolutely delicious, it reminds me of the lettuce wraps, I can't wait to give this a try.

    1. I have never had lettuce wraps but I'll give it a try. Thank you for the idea.

  3. balsamic steak rolls seem a great option out of all the recipes that you must had. Googling is a great tool indeed. A very detailed article by you out here

  4. I've never seen steak roll ups but they look pretty good! Creative as well :)

  5. I never knew that steak and balsamic could taste so well together. I have to try to eat this!

    1. Yup. Taste so good. Almost all my steak recipes contain balsamic vinegar.

  6. For a moment, I thought the steak was inside the rolls, then I realised the steak WAS the roll. Looks delicious!!

  7. I love simple but unique recipes. Look yummy

  8. I love simple but unique recipes. Look yummy

  9. That looks like a delicious and unique recipe. I eat beef, may be I will try it with chicken.


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